I love Science. I just don’t have to swear to love it. A heads up that this post uses some foul language…not something I normally do
in public forums.
Something has been really disturbing me lately. I open up
Facebook and see cool science related pics and stories only to see it from a page called “I F***ing Love Science.”
Now, I am not some guy that shrinks from
the gratuitous use of swear words…especially my ‘beloved’ F word. I love
it…apparently as much as some people love science. The difference is I don’t
use it in public places and I especially don’t use it when kids might hear it.
To use the F word is trashy, low class, and shows a serious lack of vocabulary.
Yup, I own that. Just love it too much to stop using it. Turns “moron” and “jackass” into
something truly special when I am driving. So what’s the problem? Problem is
that people on Facebook, over 18 million of them, are f'ing loving science on
their Facebook pages in view of children. Of my over 20 friends on Facebook that f'ing love science enough to like the page, most of them have children (even grandchildren for some), most
of those have children on Facebook…and about half are educators. Yikes.
I don’t blame the creator of the site. Is a cool idea to
make science hip and something people talk about and share. I find the language
objectionable, but I don’t fault Elise Andrew, the 20-something that made it. I
do fault the people that are making it mainstream and making it okay to use the
F word in polite society. I wanted to find out why this is a "thing" so looked it up. It became clear to me when I read a Mashable article why this is so great for some people. An example is the Museum of Natural Science for
holding a “I F***ing Love Science” event where people got to meet Ms. Andrew.
The article mentions a high school science
teacher that was screaming “I f***ing love science!” while lined up at
the museum. Seriously? Would she say that in her classroom? No. But the
popularity of the site allowed her to break the rules…something that this high
school science teacher might not be used to doing. When is the last time she screamed
“f'ing” (or any variation of the F word) in public? But this was science!
It’s okay if its educational, right? I am sure people walking by that had nothing to do with the event loved hearing some lady screaming the F word. Is like going to a professional wrestling match instead of a museum. What's next? Will the Museum of
Natural History hold the “I F***ing Love Dinosaurs” event if it becomes popular on Facebook? Perhaps the
Smithsonian can follow up with a new push for interest in aerospace with “Airplanes
are the S***!” event.Then more educators can feel cool and edgy by "liking" it on Facebook, too.
What is really sad to me is the Facebook page of “I F***ing Love Science” has 18 million followers and the companion site “Science is
Awesome” has 10,000. Guess it is not cool to love science unless you get to
drop f bombs.
Hi, Andy. I disagree that "To use the F word is trashy, low class, and shows a serious lack of vocabulary." I like to think that there are intelligent, articulate people who use it selectively. Context is key. Personally, I use it, sometimes gratuitously, but I try to be aware of my audience. I don't use it around children or in public around people who may be offended. If someone I care about is bothered by it, I try not to use it. On Facebook, since I'm not friends with any children, I share "I fucking love science" posts and sometimes swear in my own posts. I figure if my FB friends are bothered, they can hide my posts. This is thought provoking though. Would I censor myself if I knew that friends were bothered? How is it different than in real life? Thanks for sharing this thoughtful post.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment! Will agree to disagree on the class factor of the F word :) I do love the site, just wish it was not named the way it is...oh well. I appreciate that you use discretion (I try to, as well). You are completely right, too, that your Facebook page is YOUR page and if people don't like it, they can hide it. Thanks again for commenting. -Andy